Minion Masters Wiki
Bazooka Scrat
Mana cost: 3
Rarity: Common
Faction: Scrat
Type: Minion
Description: Only attacks buildings.

Deals half damage to Masters.

Flavor text: To the untrained eye it might look like he only carries one rocket, but maybe that eye just doesn't understand Scrat technology, okay?!
Count: {{{count}}}
Targets: Buildings
Health: 140
Attack speed: 3 sec
Damage: 250 (DPS: 83.33)
World damage: {{{worlddamage}}}
Master damage: {{{masterdamage}}}
Range: 12 (Ranged)
AOE Radius: {{{radius}}}
Movement speed: 5
Weight: 1000
Production Speed: {{{productionspeed}}}
Healing per second: {{{healingpersecond}}}
Healing amount: {{{heal}}}
Duration: {{{duration}}} sec
Cast delay: {{{castdelay}}} sec
Copies allowed (in Team Battles): {{{copies}}}

Bazooka Scrat is one of the Minion cards in Minion Masters.


  • Bazooka Scrat was added to the game in Update 13 - Scratty Tech (13 Jan, 2017)
  • In Update 87 - Guilds (7 Feb, 2019) Bazooka Scrat recevied the following changes:
    • Health increased from 60 to 65
    • Damage increased from 200 to 225
  • In Update 1.37 - Kaboom Kingdom (July 7, 2022), Bazooka Scrat received the following changes:
    • Health increased from 65 to 100
    • Now only deals half damage to Masters
    • No longer attacks minions with Marked, removing an interaction with Vulture Prime A83
  • In Update 1.38 - Wanderlust (August 4, 2022), the damage of Bazooka Scrat was increased from 225 to 250.
  • In Update 1.40 - Torment (13 October 2022), the health of Bazooka Scrat was increased from 100 to 120.
  • In Update 1.46 - Arise! (April 13, 2023), the health of Bazooka Scrat was increased from 120 to 140.