Minion Masters Wiki
Mana cost: 6
Rarity: Legendary
Faction: Scrat
Type: Minion
Description: Stealth

If Styxi attacks a target but doesn't kill it, he'll stop attacking for 5 seconds.

Stealth: Becomes invisible while not attacking or taking damage for 2 seconds

Flavor text: {{{flavortext}}}
Count: {{{count}}}
Targets: Ground & Air
Health: 140
Attack speed: 2 sec
Damage: 100 (DPS: 50)
World damage: {{{worlddamage}}}
Master damage: {{{masterdamage}}}
Range: 22 (Ranged)
AOE Radius: {{{radius}}}
Movement speed: 5
Weight: 1500
Production Speed: {{{productionspeed}}}
Healing per second: {{{healingpersecond}}}
Healing amount: {{{heal}}}
Duration: {{{duration}}} sec
Cast delay: {{{castdelay}}} sec
Copies allowed (in Team Battles): 1


Styxi is one of the Minion cards in Minion Masters.


Styxi's stealth mechanics[]

Stealths instantly on spawn.
Stealths instantly after exiting Black Hole.
Re-Stealths after a delay. Stealth delay timer is reset each time it attacks or is attacked.

General stealth mechanics[]

When stealthed, other minions and masters ignore this minion and the opponent can't see it.

Stealthed units are revealed if they attack or take damage or are stunned.
Stealthed units can still be targeted by random effects like Spirit Infusion, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.


  • In Update 15 - Happy Lunar New Year! (26 Jan, 2017) the health of Styxi was increased from 50 to 70
  • In Update 40 - When things change.. (9 Aug, 2017) the health of Styxi was increased from 70 to 90
  • In Update 83 (28 Nov, 2018) Styxi's attack pause after not killing his target was reduced 10s to 6s
  • In Update 1.5 (11 Sep, 2019) Styxi's attack pause after not killing his target was reduced from 6s to 5s
  • In Update 1.14 (25 June, 2020) Styxi's health was increased from 90 to 140
  • In Update 1.28 - Malediction (20 September, 2021), Styxi was changed so that only 1 copy of it can be used in a Team Battles deck.